June 21, 2023

Even if you feel fine, you should still see your provider for regular checkups. These visits can help you avoid problems in the future. For example, the only way to find out if you have high blood pressure is to have it checked regularly. High blood sugar and high cholesterol level also may not have any symptoms in the early stages. Simple blood tests can check for these conditions.
There are specific times when you should see your provider or receive specific health screenings. Below are screening guidelines for men ages 20+.
Young adulthood should be a fun time in your life, and most people are at or near their physical peak. It is important to stay healthy by making good lifestyle choices now.
Health To-Dos:
- Find a doctor you like and can relate to
- Understand your family medical history and share it with your provider
- Schedule regular medical check-ups & screenings
Screenings/Exams You May Need:
- Testicular self exam (monthly)
- Yearly physical and vision screening
- Cholesterol testing (every 5 years)
You may not look or feel that much different than in your 20s, but your body is changing.
Common Concerns:
- Weight gain
- Changes in skin
- Reproductive difficulties
- High cholesterol
- Stress
- Work/life balance
Screenings/Exams You May Need:
- Testicular self exam (monthly)
- Yearly physical and vision screening
- Blood sugar & cholesterol testing (every 5 years)
- Skin check (as needed)
- Fertility testing (as needed)
Lifestyle Tips:
- Find ways to manage your stress
- Clean up your diet
- Stay flexible: keep your muscles and joints moving
Turning 40 is a milestone & often a time of transition in life. Every part of your body is affected, from your appearance to the health of your heart and bones.
Lifestyle Tips:
- Strength training: adding weights to your workout helps prevent muscle loss
- Rethink the drink: try limited alcohol intake to 1-2 drinks per week
Screenings/Exams You May Need:
- Testicular self exam (monthly)
- Yearly physical and vision screening
- Blood sugar & cholesterol testing
- Colonoscopy
- Prostate exam (yearly)
- Heart disease screening (as needed)
Health Risks:
- Heart disease (#1 killer of men)
- Prostate and Colon Cancers (the #2 and #5 most common cancers for men)
You may be 50 or older, but you don't have to feel over the hill. You need to give more attention to your health during this time in your life.
Lifestyle Tips:
- Find fun ways to stay fit
- Get enough sleep
- Keep off excess pounds
- Add in Omega-3, which slows your cell's aging process
Screenings/Exams You May Need:
- Testicular self exam (monthly)
- Yearly physical and vision screening
- Blood sugar & cholesterol testing
- Colonoscopy
- Prostate exam (yearly)
- EKG test (as needed)
- Skin check
- Eye disease screening
- Coronary screening
- Type II Diabetes screening
- Osteoporosis screening
Health Risks:
- Prostate Cancer
- Colon Cancer
- Heart Disease
- Stroke
- Osteoporosis